Learn how to check and maintain the security of your databases
Ensure your MSSQL instance security with health checks and suspicious activity monitoring in Experda. Strengthen security with detailed health check reports and analyze operations from non-whitelisted applications or logins to detect suspicious or harmful commands. Easily set up your security settings using our default setup or customize them to fit your needs.
Experda includes advanced security modules that help identify suspicious activities, enforce security best practices, and provide health check reports. The health check module runs over 50 security tests to ensure the security of both the SQL instance and the operating system. The suspicious activity monitor tracks and reports unauthorized access or unusual behavior, helping to maintain a secure environment.
Experda offers several security features, including health check reports, suspicious activity monitoring, and customizable security settings. The health check module evaluates your servers against more than 50 security best practices, while the suspicious activity module detects and reports unauthorized access or unusual behaviour.
See video “Security Overview”, “Suspicious activities” (coming soon) and “Security settings”.
Yes, Experda’s security modules and audit features can help maintain compliance with industry regulations by ensuring that your SQL servers adhere to best practices and by providing detailed reports on security status and suspicious activities.
With Experda, database teams trade manual work with automations and replace clunky operations with streamlined workflows.
With Experda, database teams trade manual work with automations and replace clunky operations with streamlined workflows.
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