Alerts & Notifications

Setting up your database alerts

Set up your server, operating system, performance, or database alerts in Experda using predefined templates or customizing new ones. Define alert types as critical, warning, or informational, and link specific servers to your templates. Customize alerts to fit your needs with ease. The Alerts Dashboard offers a high-level view of all database alerts and a granular view of specific databases. Use the Alerts Action View to prioritize and simplify alert tracking by urgency.

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Experda provides real-time monitoring by continuously collecting and analysing data from your SQL servers. The system automatically refreshes the data at regular intervals, but you can also manually refresh the data or pause the automatic refresh if needed.

In the Global settings section, you can override the sampling times for each sample type. This includes DMV queries or WMI operating system information. You can do this globally or for a selected managed server.

Experda supports a wide range of alerts, including CPU usage, memory consumption, disk activity, blocks, deadlocks and security breaches. These alerts can be configured using predefined templates or customised to meet specific requirements. Alerts can be categorized by severity, such as informational, warning, or critical. Alerts can automatically be sent to users or user groups by email or SMS. For advanced users alerts can be defined to be automatically dismissed or use enhanced configurations.

To set up an alert template, navigate to the alert configuration module and select a predefined template or create a new one. Customize the alert thresholds, severity levels, and notification settings as needed. Once the template is configured, you can affiliate it with multiple servers to apply the same alert settings across your environment.

See videos “Custom alerts”, “How to configure an alert”

Yes, Experda allows you to configure alerts to be sent via email or SMS. You can set up contact groups and associate them with specific alert templates to ensure the right people are notified when an alert is triggered.

See video “How to configure an alert”

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