Discover effective methods for monitoring and managing your database in clustering mode
With Experda’s Always On Dashboard, you can continuously monitor lag time, track failovers, and identify performance bottlenecks to ensure optimal performance of your Always On SQL environments.
Experda provides comprehensive monitoring and management of Always On availability groups. The High Availability module displays detailed information about each availability group, including health status, synchronization latency, and failover mode. In addition Experda provides Always On Alerts to be notified immediately.
See video “Always On Overview”
Experda requires a dedicated server (which can be virtual) for the Experda agent. For the on-premise version, there are specifics such as SQL Server 2019 Standard or higher, Windows Server 2019 or higher, and sufficient RAM and processor resources. The cloud version has similar requirements but also requires unlocking secured ports for internet access for communication with the main cloud repository system.
Yes, Experda supports both on-premise and cloud SQL servers. The on-premise version is ideal for larger organizations that require enhanced security, while the cloud version provides a more flexible and easily updated solution for other businesses.
With Experda, database teams trade manual work with automations and replace clunky operations with streamlined workflows.
With Experda, database teams trade manual work with automations and replace clunky operations with streamlined workflows.
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